shout it out

shout it out
No. 6 runs for office

Monday, June 9, 2008


Blogs come and go, people come and go. What am I on about here?

In the Prisoner episode Chimes of Big Ben, the magisterial Leo McKern plays No. 2. The theme of this episode is not so fascinating to me right now as a discussion No. 2 and No. 6 have while sparring with wits.

No. 6 “Charming”

No. 2 “Yes, I’m glad you approve. Someday the world, the whole world as the village, what do you say to that?”

No. 6 “I would like to be the first man on the moon.”

Here it is. The Global Village, a term coined by those illustrious globalists like Hillary Clinton, Al Gore and even George Bush Sr. with his “New World Order.” We live in the age of the police state. The dystopia of Phillip Dick is real and surrounds us.

The Patriot act, the “Main Core”, camera’s on every street corner, GPS monitoring of citizens, tracking of gasoline sales, tracking and divulgence of banking records…

Everything we do is monitored; we are like fish in a bowl. Surveys, questionnaires, and billing… Where does it end?

You want to live on the moon?

What about the missing? Every week the news networks have some pathetic story, “the dead babe of the week.” Another beautiful woman is missing or murdered. Many thousands are going missing every year. What about them? Where do they go? Does our government do anything with this tech to stop child predators? No! Has the white slave trade stopped? No.

There is a profit to be made.

The war on drugs? The CIA sells weapons to the drug cartels. The DEA equips the counter drug agencies of various countries. A huge economy persists on the endless war on drugs. Why does the American public tolerate this?

American schools? They propagandize and that is about it. High school graduates can barely read and write these days. Don’t try to tell me this is not the truth. New military members testing on the ASVAB are scoring record lows. The ASVAB has not changed in years. The school system is failing us and it is becoming a national security concern. The only thing children learn in public school is consumerism and conformity!

Does this sound like the ranting of a madman?! Be seeing you.

1 comment:

Medic252 said...

I'm not sure I would agree to a government connection to the "Dead babe of the week" phenomenon, except maybe to happily let the "news" agencies use up time on the poor, doomed young ladies instead of on major stories that might effect us all. I also don't know if the government can be tied to the white slavery trade either; at least, not the US government. Still, I wouldn't be completely surprised if it were true, either. I have seen my government involve itself in some mighty unsavoury acts in my lifetime.

If our Federal government is really able to track people as efficiently as some think, I would hope that they would try to prevent some of the atrocities perpetrated by what appears to be an increasingly large and psychotic criminal subset of society. Of course, if they did, that might let people know just what they are capable of, and that would never do, now, would it?

After many years in the military, and more years observing the antics of our leadership and "civil servants", I find it hard to believe that, even with all the technology, that they are all that efficient much of the time. I also know, though, that some people develop a significant mean and vindictive streak as they gain power, so there is little in the way of just plain stupid meanness and desire to punish others that is beyond the capability of those who are supposedly serving the public.

If No.6 could have gotten to the moon, he most likely would have found cameras, and "Rovers", already there.

Be seeing you...